Cone Forme, Activate!

Cone Forme, Activate!

If I had a nickel for every time a woman in one of my comics gets put in a cone of shame by sentient dogs, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird it happened twice. Even weirder: Liri getting the cone of shame wasn’t even a reference to Legend of the Hare! I literally just did the same joke twice without realizing it! Maybe Jill’s right…

Jill’s henshin phrases are, respectively, the transformation phrases of Shazam (or “Captain Marvel”, as was the style at the time) Sailor Moon, and the infamously stupid DC comics character The Brown Bomber. References are jokes, right?

It’s, um, probably for the best none of those worked. It’s weird that Jill would know any of those phrases, though. One of the big ideas of Jill in my mind was that she wasn’t nerdy, and didn’t have any of the interests most webcomic characters had. Nowadays, of course, you can find lots of dumb vaguely racist white-trash protagonists in lots of webcomics, especially….furry webcomics….

Wait a minute….


3 thoughts on “Cone Forme, Activate!”

  1. Myk Streja says:

    Come on, Jill. Be the hero the rabbits need you to be.

    1. Myk Streja says:

      Click on my name to vote for LotH on Top WebComics.

  2. SFCGator says:

    Head cones only work on critters without hands.

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