All oxen are entitled to an extra hour in the ball pit
Posted on February 1, 2021 at 4:32 am by Daniel Kelly
Is this the last time Maeconolith the Ox appears in the comic? I think it might be. Though he is going Arrooo, much like Toast in Saffron and Sage goes Awooo. Maybe they’re cousins? Actually, are Molly and Maeconolith a beta version of Cinnamon and Toast? I certainly never thought about that until just now, but it actually kind of fits neatly enough that it might be a little subconscious self-plagiarism! Molly and Cinnamon are superficially quite different, Molly is snarky and mean whereas Cinnamon is a more overt – and more comedic – Saturday Morning Cartoon villain. But both girls are minions who generally think of themselves as cunning schemers even as their plans inevitably backfire, and are mainly dangerous because of a mute powerhouse that’s loyal to them for some reason. Here, the bad guys would have won utterly had Molly not decided to come gloat and unintentionally give Jill a reason to join the rabbits.
Which is exactly how Cinnamon is introduced in Saffron and Sage, where instead of simply shooting Saffron from a hidden position she announces her presence and repeatedly lets Saffron get free shots in.

This is my favorite page in Saffron and Sage
This isn’t a connection I’d ever made in my mind before, but it kind of works! Perhaps Cinnamon will take Molly’s catgirl mantle at some point, at least for a $5 tier pinup :3
the ox is one of the most awesomely badass things i’ve ever seen. you’ve got to reuse this character design at some point he’s just to awesome.